Particular type of SPM [Scanning Probe Microscopy] or microscopes Essential components thereof


  • CPC
  • G01Q60/00
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G01Q60/02Multiple-type SPM G01Q60/04STM [Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy] combined with AFM [Atomic Force Microscopy] G01Q60/06SNOM [Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy] combined with AFM [Atomic Force Microscopy] G01Q60/08MFM [Magnetic Force Microscopy] combined with AFM [Atomic Force Microscopy G01Q60/10STM [Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy] or apparatus therefor G01Q60/12STS [Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy] G01Q60/14STP [Scanning Tunnelling Potentiometry] G01Q60/16Probes, their manufacture, or their related instrumentation G01Q60/18SNOM [Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy] or apparatus therefor G01Q60/20Fluorescence G01Q60/22Probes, their manufacture, or their related instrumentation G01Q60/24AFM [Atomic Force Microscopy] or apparatus therefor G01Q60/26Friction force microscopy G01Q60/28Adhesion force microscopy G01Q60/30Scanning potential microscopy G01Q60/32AC mode G01Q60/34Tapping mode G01Q60/36DC mode G01Q60/363Contact-mode AFM G01Q60/366Nanoindenters G01Q60/38Probes, their manufacture, or their related instrumentation G01Q60/40Conductive probes G01Q60/42Functionalization G01Q60/44SICM [Scanning Ion-Conductance Microscopy] or apparatus therefor G01Q60/46SCM [Scanning Capacitance Microscopy] or apparatus therefor G01Q60/48Probes, their manufacture, or their related instrumentation G01Q60/50MFM [Magnetic Force Microscopy] or apparatus therefor G01Q60/52Resonance G01Q60/54Probes, their manufacture, or their related instrumentation G01Q60/56Probes with magnetic coating G01Q60/58SThM [Scanning Thermal Microscopy] or apparatus therefor G01Q60/60SECM [Scanning Electro-Chemical Microscopy] or apparatus therefor

Patents Grantslast 30 patents

Patents Applicationslast 30 patents